apple pie recipe uk



apple pie recipe uk
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apple pie recipe uk

Apple Pie: A Slice of Comfort

Apple pieβ€”the very mention of it evokes warmth, nostalgia, and the delightful aroma of cinnamon-spiced apples. Let’s explore the history, fun facts, and bake a classic apple pie together!

Fun Facts About Apple Pie

– Archaeologists have found evidence of people enjoying apples since at least 6500 B.C.
– The first apple pie recipe was printed over 630 years ago in England, listing ingredients like figs, raisins, and saffron.
– Early American apple pies had a β€œtake-off” crustβ€”baked with the apples, then lifted off to add sugar and spices.

Recipe: Classic Apple Pie


    • 2 Β½ cups all-purpose flour
    • 4 teaspoons sugar
    • ΒΌ teaspoon fine salt


    1. Combine flour, sugar, and salt.
    2. Add cold diced butter and mix until crumbly.
    3. Roll out the dough and line a pie pan.


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