Post Codes In United Kingdom

Postal Codes Used In UK are known as PostCodes.

Dashed Trail

10 mesmerizing facts about Postal code or Postcodes ย in the United Kingdom

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Dashed Trail
Green Location Pin
Green Location Pin
Green Location Pin


Standard Format

Geographic Precision

Old and New:

Per month around 3,000 new postcodes are formed, while nearly 120 are deleted.


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Dimension Concerns:

The WC postcode area in London is the shortest in Britain (covering just 1 square mile), while IV (Inverness) is the biggest (6,243 square miles).


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Number of Postcodes:

There are around 1.8 million postcodes in usage across the UK, covering over 30 million separate addresses.


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Splitting the Country:

The UK diverges into 124 postcode areas and additionally diverges into districts, sectors, and units.


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The Anatomy of a Postcode:

Appropriately penned UK postcodes consist of two parts: the foremost โ€˜outcodeโ€™ (denoting the area) and the โ€˜incodeโ€™ (local postal route).


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Sorting the History:

Before mechanized sorting, Victorian postal employees manually sorted notes at tremendous quicknesses.


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Postal Districts:

London pioneered district codes in 1858 to quicken mail sorting and address duplicate street representations.


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The First Sorting Machine:

Transorma, rehearsal in Brighton in 1935, was the UKโ€™s foremost sorting device but wasnโ€™t booming.


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Created at Dollis Hill, ELISE integrated Dutch Transorma technicians with Colossus computer circuitry.


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Supposing Game:

if a postcode stands missing or not readable, Royal Mail staff figure out the destination or transmit it to the National Returns headquarters in Belfast.


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Terrain Map

Remember, postcodes thread a mesmerizing saga of connectivity and logistics! ๐Ÿ“ฎ๐ŸŒ

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